The cardiovascular system in the body (circulatory system) consists of the heart and the blood vessels. The blood vessels consist of 2 major types, the arteries which carry blood with oxygen from the lungs and heart to the cells and organs, and the veins which carry blood with low oxygen levels from the cells and organs back to the heart and lungs to pick up more oxygen, when we breathe in air. If the arteries or veins become narrowed or blocked, or if they tear and leak out blood, then they cause a heart attack or stroke or thrombosis (clot) in the organ in which this takes place. In the heart it causes a heart attack, in the brain a stroke and in the lungs it is called a pulmonary embolism or pulmonary thrombosis. There is another set of vessels which run parallel to the veins and they are called the lymph vessels.
Causes of Narrowed or Blocked Blood Vessels:
Unhealthy diet (too much sugar, carbs, fried food, saturated fat, burnt meat and super-heated oils)
Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)
Lack of exercise
Chronic Inflammation
Free Radicals damage
Excess Cholesterol (especially “Bad” LDL cholesterol), high Lipoprotein (a), Low “Good” HDL cholesterol and high “Ugly” Triglycerides (fats)
Genetic defects in DNA (e.g. Inherited diseases)
Clotting Diseases (e.g. complications of COVID-19 virus)
High Homocysteine levels
XTREME HEALTH. CO.ZA has formulated a food supplement called CHOLESTEROL CONTROL – LDX capsules specifically designed to help promote blood flow and reduce bad cholesterol or bad oxidized fat build up in the arteries. The supplement should also be taken by individuals who are on statin pharmaceutical drugs to lower their cholesterol levels. This is necessary because the statin drugs lower the key antioxidant enzyme called Co-Enzyme Q10, which plays a crucial role in the production of energy in the mitochondria, in all your trillions of cells. Statin drugs can cause muscle pain, fatigue, liver problems and break down of the muscles in your body. It is important to monitor your general health when on statin drugs and to take CoQ10 supplements.
The product contains the following ingredients:
Olive Leaf extract
Co Enzyme Q10
Scientific research and studies have demonstrated the following health benefits of these ingredients:
Contains potent antioxidants and supplements CoQ10 deficiency
Neutralizes free radicals
Can prevent oxidative damage of LDL “bad” cholesterol and DNA
Anti-ageing properties
Good for cardiovascular health and reduces high blood pressure
Promotes energy production in mitochondria in brain, heart, lungs, liver, muscles, kidneys, etc
Protects the skin against light damage
Natural antibiotic properties
Can help lower high cholesterol levels
May help increase fertility
Improves structure of skin (elasticity and moisture)
Reduces inflammation
Enhances immune system
Helps control blood glucose levels in diabetics
Directions: Take one capsule every morning with food.
References: Scientific references and nutritional studies available from LIFEXMED (PTY) LTD and XTREME HEALTH (PTY) LTD